Focus and scope
Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology is an open access and free publication journal, funded by the Scalpel Foundation, which aims to give a voice to all orthopedic surgeons and Traumatologists who have knowledge to share.
Section Policies
Research article: Articles must be original and unpublished, not having been published or being published by any means. Compliance with this rule is the responsibility of the authors.
Peer review process
All submitted articles are submitted to evaluation by academic, national and international peers, experts in the subject, under the double-blind peer-review modality, in which the anonymity of both authors and peers is preserved. reviewers. Prior to the evaluation of referees, the articles are subjected to plagiarism analysis, with 3% being the maximum allowed for similarities with other sources.
Phases of the peer review process
• Phase 1. The articles received are reviewed by the editor, who will carry out a first formal evaluation to verify that they comply with the journal's policies and the guidelines for authors; the articles that comply are reviewed by the editorial committee to assess the quality of the content and relevance of the work according to the theme of the journal.
• Phase 2. The article is sent to the peer reviewers, the possible conclusions of the evaluation by the referees are only three: publish the article without modifications, publish the article with modifications or not publish the article. The arbitrators have a period of 30 business days to carry out the first review of each article; 20 business days for the second revision (after the authors' arrangements) and 10 business days for the rest of the revisions. The authors have a period of 20 business days to make their corrections and send the article to the journal.
• Phase 3. The Editorial Committee makes the decision to publish or not the articles, based on the results of the evaluations carried out by the assigned referees. In case of contradictions in the evaluations regarding the publication of an article, the Editorial Committee will send the article to a third referee and will favor the two evaluations that have the same concept regarding the publication of the article.
The Editorial Committee of the magazine reserves the rights of printing, total or partial reproduction of the article, as well as the right to accept or reject it. Likewise, it reserves the right to make any editorial modification it deems appropriate; in such case the author will receive written recommendations from the evaluators. If you accept them, you must submit the article with the suggested adjustments within the dates set by the journal to guarantee its publication within the scheduled number.
Open access policy
JOST provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps further global exchange of knowledge.
Publication ethics
Submitting an article means that it has not been previously published, that it is not being considered for publication in any other media or in any other language, and that it is being submitted with the knowledge of all authors. Failure to do so violates JOST's ethics policies.
Plagiarism Policy
The authors of the texts are entirely responsible for the content of their investigations, as well as for guaranteeing that they are original and unpublished. As a policy for the prevention of plagiarism, JOST reserves the right to review, through the use of specialized anti-plagiarism software, all articles submitted for publication, using the usual criteria to detect such practices. In case of detecting a practice of plagiarism, the article will be discarded for publication.
Conflict of interests
The editors undertake not to use the content of the articles submitted for publication in their research.
Declaration of ethics and good practices
The editorial committee is committed to high standards of ethics and good practices in the dissemination and transfer of knowledge, to guarantee rigor and scientific quality.
General obligations and responsibilities of the editorial team. In their capacity as top managers of the journal, the editorial committee commits to:
• Join efforts to meet the needs of readers and authors.
• Promote the continuous improvement of the magazine.
• Ensure the quality of the material that is published.
• Ensure freedom of expression.
• Maintain the academic integrity of your content.
• Prevent commercial interests from compromising intellectual criteria.
• Post corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.
Evaluation process by pairs
JOST guarantees that the material submitted for publication will be considered as reserved and confidential material while it is evaluated (double blind).
JOST undertakes to respond promptly to complaints received and to ensure that dissatisfied complainants can process all their complaints. In any case, if the interested parties are unable to satisfy their claims, it is considered that they have the right to raise their protests to other instances.
Promotion of academic integrity
JOST ensures that the material it publishes complies with internationally accepted ethical standards.
Individual data protection
JOST guarantees the confidentiality of individual information (for example, of the teachers and/or students participating as collaborators or study subjects in the research presented).
Follow-up of bad practices
JOST assumes its obligation to act accordingly in case of suspicion of bad practices or inappropriate conduct. This obligation extends to both published and unpublished documents. The editor will not only reject manuscripts that raise concerns about potential misconduct, but are ethically bound to report suspected misconduct. The journal will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the works submitted for evaluation are rigorous and ethically appropriate.
Integrity and academic rigor
Any time a published work is known to contain material inaccuracies, misleading or misleading statements, it should be corrected immediately.
In the event of detecting any work whose content is fraudulent, it will be removed as soon as it is known, immediately informing both readers and indexing systems.
Inadmissible practices are considered, and as such the following will be denounced: the simultaneous submission of the same work to several journals, the duplicate publication or with irrelevant changes or paraphrasing of the same work, or the artificial fragmentation of a work into several articles.
Any author, reader, evaluator or editor can refer their complaints to the competent bodies.