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JOST was born from a group of professionals from the Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology with the aim of promoting and encouraging the research of the service and continuing to grow with the philosophy of medicine based on the evidence.

Articles mainly related to traumatology and orthopedic surgery are published, basic  science, technical and pathological aspects. However, it is an open and holistic journal, which includes topics that fall within the scope of musculoskeletal rehabilitation, sports medicine, basic muscle science and musical pathology.


A copy of the manuscript should be sent to:


Just send your work to

It is necessary to send:


  • Manuscript (blinded): the norms for the publication of the manuscript are described below. All the information about the authors or the institution must be removed.

  • Title page: it must contain,

    • Title of the work

    • Authors, with the correspondence author underlined

    • Acknowledgments

    • Ethics declaration

    • Role of the authors


  • Structured Abstract: it must be structured in

    • Introduction and background

    • Objectives

    • Methods and materials

    • Results

    • Conclussions

  • Key points: in three points, the most relevant aspects of the work must be shortly explained


  • Key words


  • References


  • Tables and images


  • Disclousures of the authors: the disclousures form can be downloaded HERE,  and it must be filled by all the authors and uploaded in a single pdf file.

  • Autorship declaration and informed consent, dowload it HERE (Spanish)



Manuscript selection process

The system used for the evaluation and selection of manuscripts is the double revision. Each article is reviewed, at least, by two evaluators.

All the works are evaluated by the Editorial Committee of the Journal after knowing the assessment of 2 reviewers.

JOST maintains the confidentiality of authors and evaluators in the manuscript selection process

Manuscripts should be prepared following the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Directors, available at:



Unpublished works on any field (clinical or experimental) in relation to the subjects of the journal. The papers should be structured in: Introduction, Material and method, Results, Discussion and Bibliography. They will have a maximum length of 2000 words (double spaced, Arial 12 letter) and up to 6 tables and 6 figures (with their corresponding feet) will be accepted. They must not exceed 20-30 bibliographic citations. The original works will include a structured summary of 250 words maximum. For the preparation of controlled clinical trials, the CONSORT regulations should be followed. Available at:

Update paper

The works of revision or update will be proposed by the Writing Committee of the Magazine. They will have a maximum extension of 30 Din-A4 (double spaced, Arial 12 letter) and up to 6 tables and 6 figures will be accepted. They must not exceed 40-50 bibliographic citations. The review papers will include a summary of 150 words.


Clinical notes

Exposition of experiences or clinical studies, new techniques, therapeutic trials or clinical cases of exceptional interest. They should be structured in: Introduction, Clinical case, Results, Discussion and Bibliography. Clinical notes will have a maximum extension of 1000 words (double spaced, Arial 12 letter), and less than 15 bibliographic citations.

Letters to the Editor

They will comment on previous works presented in the Journal or provide information on a topic of interest. They must not exceed 3 Din-A4 (double spaced, Arial font 12). Only in exceptional cases can be accompanied by a figure or table and up to 5 citations.


Ethical responsibilities

Protection of people and animals

When describing experiments that have been carried out on humans, it must be indicated whether the procedures followed are in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible human experimentation committee (institutional or regional) and in accordance with the World Medical Association and the Declaration of Helsinki available at:


When describing animal experiments, it should be indicated if the guidelines of an international research institution or council or a national law regulating the care and use of laboratory animals have been followed.


The authors are responsible for following the protocols established by their respective health centers in order to access the data of the clinical histories in order to be able to carry out this type of publication with the purpose of research for the community, so they must declare compliance of this requirement. The author has the obligation to guarantee that the requirement of having informed all the patients included in the study and that he/she is in possession of the document signed by them having received sufficient information and having obtained their informed written consent to participate, has been fulfilled. The authors should mention in the section on methods that the procedures used in patients and controls have been carried out after obtaining an informed consent.


The author is also responsible for guaranteeing the right to privacy of patients by protecting their identity both in the writing of their article and in the images. Do not use names, initials or hospital medical record numbers (or any other type of data irrelevant to the research that could identify the patient) or in the text or photographs, unless such information is essential for scientific purposes , in which case you can collect it in the article whenever the patient, or his or her parent or guardian, gives written informed consent for its publication. The authors are responsible for obtaining written consent, authorizing its publication, reproduction and dissemination on paper and Internet freely available on the Internet.


The authors must declare the origin of any financial aid received.


The list of authors should include only those people who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work. To appear as an author, the following requirements must be met:

  1. To have participated in the conception and design, the acquisition of the data, the analysis and interpretation of the work data that has resulted in the article in question.

  2. To have participated in the writing of the text and in the possible revisions of it.

  3. Have approved the version that will finally be published


Conflict of interests

The title page should include information on the source of funding, if any, institutional affiliations and conflict of interest, in connection with the submitted article. Similarly, you must have permission to publish by the institution that has funded the research.

Permit obtainment

The journal does not accept previously published material. The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to partially reproduce material (text, tables or figures) of other publications. These permits must be requested both from the author and from the publisher who has published said material.

Redundant or duplicate publication

The journal does not accept previously published material and will not consider for publication manuscripts that are sent simultaneously to other journals, nor redundant or duplicate publications, that is, articles that substantially overlap another already published, printed or electronic media. Authors must inform in the cover letter about previous postings or publications of the same work, in whole or in part, that may be considered redundant or duplicate publication.

These restrictions would not be applicable to the published abstracts of communications, papers or conferences presented at national or international scientific meetings, unless they have a conflict of interest or are in the period of approval by said congress or association.

Additional Information

The judgments and opinions expressed in the articles and communications published in the journal are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Editorial Committee. Both the Editorial Board and the publishing company decline any responsibility for such material. Neither the Editorial Committee nor the publishing company guarantee or support any product that is advertised.


All manuscripts must be written in English or Spanish, double spaced in all sections, with side margins, top and bottom of 25 mm (Arial font 12) and consecutive numbering in the bottom right corner, starting with the title page.

Only common abbreviations should be used in the field of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. The use of abbreviations in the title and in the summary of the work should be avoided. The first time an abbreviation appears in the text, it must be preceded by the full term to which it refers, except in the case of common units of measurement. The units of measurement will be expressed preferably in Units of the International System. The chemical, physical, biological and clinical units must always be strictly defined. Decimal figures are separated from the units by a comma and thousands are indicated by a period.

The sections of the work will be arranged as follows:

- Title page

- Complete title (concise and informative).
Surname, name of each of the authors, as well as the name of the institution to which they belong up to a maximum of six authors. Surname, name, address, telephone number, fax number and/or email address of the principal or responsible author to whom the correspondence should be addressed.
- Structured Abstract.
A summary that should not exceed 250 words will be included. This summary should be structured in:   Introduction and background, objective of the work, material and methods, results and conclusions.

- Keywords
There should be three to six keywords according to those included in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus / Medline available at:

- Parts of the text
Each paper should include the following parts and each part of the text will start on a new sheet.

- Introduction
It should be brief and clearly describe, in its last paragraph, the objective of the work.
- Material (patients) and methods
It must include the procedure used in the selection of the population studied. You must also provide enough information so that the study is reproduced or evaluated by another researcher. This includes description of methods, identification of equipment and description of procedures. The techniques already described will be cited. The type of statistical analysis used should be indicated, specifying the confidence interval.- 
They will be presented clearly and concisely. The data of the text should not repeat the data of tables or graphs completely; the most outstanding aspects should be summarized, emphasizing them.

- Discussion
The results obtained must be explained and not repeated, highlighting the most novel aspects of the study, its clinical significance and its future projection. Relate the results with those of other studies and contrast the initial objectives with the final data. No new results should be presented, nor should aspects unrelated to the results of the work be discussed.

- Conclusions
They must always be in relation with the objectives of the work. Any type of conclusion that does not clearly come from the results obtained should be avoided.
- Bibliography
It will appear on a separate sheet, at the end of the article and before the iconography. All references should be cited in the text, in the form of a superscript (or with an Arabic number in bracket). The bibliography will be numbered by the order of appearance in the text. The abbreviations of the journals will be those that appear in the List of Journals Indexed of the Index Medicus. Bibliographic citations will follow the criteria of the National Library of Medicine of the United States of America, which can be found in Pubmed.

Personal communications and unpublished data should not appear in the bibliography (they can be cited in parentheses in the text).
The abbreviations of the journals will be adjusted to those used by the Index Medicus of the National Library of Medicine, available at:

Some examples are shown below:
o Journal article: surnames and initials of the name of each author. If there are more than three, the first three will be cited and “et al” will be added. Article title. Abbreviation of the name of the journal and year of publication; volume: first and last page of the work.
o Complete book: surnames and initials of the name of the authors. Title of the book. City of the publishing house: editorial; year.
o Book chapter: surnames and initials of the name of each author. Title of the chapter. In: authors of the book (eds.). Title of the book. City of the publishing house: editorial; year; initial and final pages.
o Appointments taken from the Internet: surnames and initials of the author’s name. Available at http: // www ….

- Iconography
All the iconography will be inserted in the same word file, in the place that you want to appear in the final text. All tables and figures must be referenced in the text at least once.

- Boards
They will have a title at the top and with explanatory notes at the bottom.
They will be identified consecutively with an Arabic number, according to their appearance in the text. In it, reference will be made to them with “table” followed by the corresponding number.

- Figures
Photographs, drawings, diagrams and graphics are included here.
They will be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals, according to their appearance in the text. It will refer to the figure with «fig.» followed by the corresponding number.
The explanatory texts of the figures will be presented below it, in the same box of the image.
The photographs must have a sufficient resolution to be edited without losing quality.
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